

Put your body in a place.

Move it, shake it, jiggle it. 

Put it to the test. 

Subject it to and free it from a tempo and a rhythm.

Stress it, push it, tire it.

Listen to how your body sounds now.

What are our capacities for listening? Can we think of the body and treat it like a sound body? What sounds do we associate with our body or with the actions it performs and what is the meaning it imposes on them? How does the body sound?

During the month of September, we have invited the artist Sandra Gómez to propose a workshop in which we will use the workspace as a space of resonance, and as an instrument that resonates. And we will do the same with the body: it will be both the instrument that resonates as well as the space of resonance. Pat, rub, brush, caress...

The workshop will focus on research and experimentation with the body’s sonic capacity as well as how we perceive this sonic quality and how it affects the body.

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During the month of September, we have invited the artist Sandra Gómez to propose a workshop in which we will use the workspace as a space of resonance, and as an instrument that resonates.

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Type Thinking / Community
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Is it a cycle?

One day you get a message with a location. This location is the hiding place of a letter that somebody has written to you. This somebody, whose identity you don’t know, proposes an exclusive sound experience for you, a musical gift.

Can you make music by writing words? Hiding Place is a proposal to work with sound without making music, it is an unidentified action that only you and I know, a meeting without meeting.

Individually, we will write a letter for someone we don’t know, proposing a sound experience. We will then hide the letter somewhere in the city so that a person who is communicated the location can pick it up. But, bear in mind that another person might find the letter first. And, of course, you will also receive your letter in a hiding place.

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28 and 29 october 2020
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Hiding Place is a proposal to work with sound without making music, it is an unidentified action that only you and I know, a meeting without meeting.

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Type Thinking / Community
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16:30 - 19:30
Is it a cycle?

R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Ñ, O, P, Q.

We are going to put ourselves in an unexpected position. It is possible that we end up teaching something that we didn’t know how to do before and somebody whistles loudly for the first time. This could lead to something odd and makes us think for a moment about ways of teaching removed from the academy and art, or that might drive us crazy trying to separate everything from the rules. Or maybe not. We are going to put ourselves in an unexpected position and see whether something changes.

The Last Letter is Q is a workshop for teachers exploring queer pedagogies and their derivations.

Aimed at teachers in nursery, primary, secondary, third-level and non-regulated education.

Two 2-hour sessions, times to be decided with the group.

Minimum of 4 people per group.

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Durante el curso escolar
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Grupos de mínimo de 4 personas que pueden ser de distintos centros educativos (es necesario apuntarse en grupo).


We are going to put ourselves in an unexpected position. It is possible that we end up teaching something that we didn’t know how to do before and somebody whistles loudly for the first time. This could lead to something odd and makes us think for a moment about ways of teaching removed from the academy and art, or that might drive us crazy trying to separate everything from the rules. Or maybe not. We are going to put ourselves in an unexpected position and see whether something changes.

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La última letra es Q
The last letter is Q. 2019
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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Dos sesiones de dos horas en el Centro escolar y en el CA2M
Is it a cycle?

Two years ago, with the performing artist Aitana Cordero, we started a performance workshop focused on exploring the intimacy of adolescents within the classroom. We understand that now these relations mean something else and the performance forces us to ask ourselves new questions through action.

For this reason, this year it strikes us as absolutely necessary to continue placing desire at the very core in order to confront this uncertainty of the body that it is our lot to live through and perhaps to thus learn how to breathe better.

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From January 2021
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Maximum number of students: 30.


This year it strikes us as absolutely necessary to continue placing desire at the very core in order to confront this uncertainty of the body that it is our lot to live through and perhaps to thus learn how to breathe better.

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Hacerse invisible / Vivir en clase / Parar el tiempo
Becoming invisible/ Living in class/ stopping time
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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The first two sessions, lasting two hours each, at school. The third session at CA2M with the duration to be agreed with the teacher.
Is it a cycle?

From the teachers’ room, the boiler room, the fire escape behind the building, the roof, or from whatever is behind the door at the end of the corridor. This workshop proposes entering those places at school where we have never been before and to reveal them through the camera as undiscovered settings you’ve never seen, or maybe you have, perhaps in a movie.

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All school year 2020 - 2021
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Maximum number of students: 30.


This workshop proposes entering those places at school where we have never been before and to reveal them through the camera as undiscovered settings you’ve never seen, or maybe you have, perhaps in a movie.

Header category
Desde un acantilado que vi en una película
From a cliff I saw in a movie
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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Two 2-hour sessions to be arranged with the school
Is it a cycle?

A new call will open in December.

(silence) – SSH – SSH – SSH – SSH – SSH – SSH – SSH – (silence) – UUU – UUU – UUU – UUU – UUU – UUU – UUU – (silence) – SSH – SSH – SSH – SSH – SSH – SSH – SSH – (silence) – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – WE – ARE – HEL – LO – WE– ARE – HEL – LO – WE – ARE – HEL – LO – WE – ARE – HEL – LO – WE – ARE – HEL – LO – THE– CHOIR – HEL – LO – CHOIR –HEL – LO– CHOIR – HEL – THE – CHOIR – HEL – THE – CHOIR – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – LO – HEL – THEY – ARE– THE– CHOIR – THEY – ARE– THE– CHOIR – THEY – ARE– THE– CHOIR – THEY – ARE– THE– CHOIR – THEY – ARE– THE– CHOIR – WE– ARE– THE– CHOIR– WE– ARE – THE– CHOIR – WE– ARE– THE– CHOIR – WE– ARE– THE– CHOIR – WE– ARE– THE– CHOIR – WE– ARE– THE– CHOIR –

An amateur choir is a creative project in which all types of voices are welcome. The choir doesn’t just sing songs but aspires to embrace all the sounds in the world. That’s why it sings through silence, mumbling and stuttering and with sounds that sometimes involuntarily escape the body like laughter and screams.

During confinement we managed to counter our fears by singing to and with each other over the phone. We find melodies in the washing machine, stories through the window and a new language of gargling and birdsong. Now we are really looking forward to seeing each other in person once again and finally going together to Zarzalejo to sing with the choir of the artist Amalia Fernández.


Programme with the support of the Daniel y Nina Carasso Foundation


Activity type
Target audience

Un coro amateur es un proyecto de creación en el que cualquier tipo de voz es bienvenida a participar. Este coro no se conforma con cantar solo canciones sino que quiere abarcar todos los sonidos del universo.

Creative voice workshop
Categoría cabecera
Un coro amateur 2020
An Amateur Choir 2020
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Is it a cycle?

Admission free, during workshop hours.

The CA2M’s roof garden has been up and running for seven years, a time during which we have lived through an intense process in which many people have taken part, making it a meeting point predicated on working together and sharing know-how.

Since its beginnings, the roof garden was conceived as a space that would go beyond the limits of an organic agriculture school and would form a community. This goal has been fulfilled. Today, the roof garden is the focal point for a group of people who have accumulated many years of learning, enjoyment and coexistence based on the practice of agroecology and permaculture, the recovery of traditional know-how and learning from peasant farmers and a reflection on the challenges of sustainability.

Today, the community formed around the roof garden at CA2M is taking on the challenge of opening up to new people without forgetting the research and experimentation that motivates existing members of the community. For this reason, this year we will be giving an opportunity to all those who are people interested in learning more about agroecology and permaculture, at a beginner’s level, without ignoring the needs and rhythms of learning of the members who have been active since the beginning and demand more specific workshops with advanced contents. For this purpose, during the first part of the year, the workshops will be divided into two categories: beginners (*) and advanced (**). We will also work in two different schedules, to give more possibilities to people who, for personal or working reasons, cannot attend in conventional hours. 

In collaboration with Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo.

More information on,  on (+34) 912760225, the reception desk at CA2M or at the Rompe el Círculo association. 




11 September 11:00 - 13:00 | Recovering the kitchen garden **

After the parenthesis caused by the pandemic, we will return to the roof garden and begin tasks of recovery and maintenance.

18 September 17:00 - 19:00 | Starting an ecological kitchen garden *

We will show you the basic principles of organic agriculture and we will begin to prepare seedbeds for the autumn. In addition, we will carry out the usual gardening tasks proper to the month of September.

25 September 11:00 - 13:00 | A kitchen garden in all dimensions **

We will create and place elements in the garden that will allow us to use the space of the roof terrace both horizontally as well as vertically, giving it a more uncultivated look and at once making it more welcoming.

2 October 17:00 - 19:00 | The square-metre kitchen garden *

We will learn new cultivation methods that will help us to maximize production in small spaces. A very interesting workshop for city dwellers who generally do not have large spaces where they can plant.


9 October 11:00 - 13:00 | Gardening in terraces **

We will work with different raised terrace systems and create spaces for planting during autumn in the school garden.

16 October 17:00 - 19:00 | How to make good compost *

We will learn how to make a compost bin and lay the foundations for the production of compost as a key element in our agroecological system.

23 October 17:00 - 19:00 | Creating an aromatic herb spiral I (* and **)
A spiral of aromatic herbs, as well as being a unique and aesthetically pleasing system of cultivation, helps us to understand the specific needs of each plant and how to create the necessary microclimates to grow herbs with very different needs in the one place.

30 October 17:00 - 19:00 | Creating an aromatic herb spiral II (* and **)
We will continue learning how to grow in spiral and will plant the chosen species.


6 November 17:00 - 19:00 | The pandemic: the boomerang effect of a diet that destroys the ecosystem (* and **)

We will get this new module underway with a current topic. This year is different. A virus has severely challenged our health, economic and social system. We have discovered that our purported dominion over nature has serious and irreversible consequences. In this session, we will explore in depth how the pandemic is connected with the environmental crisis and the role our unsustainable diet plays in all this.

13 November 17:00 - 19:00 | Eating better to look after the planet (* and **)

In a double, theoretical and practical, session we will first take a panoramic overview of global food production, differentiating industrial production from agroecological production. Afterwards, we will share recipes to help us enjoy new healthier and more sustainable eating habits.

20 November 17:00 - 19:00 | A chestnut celebration (* and **)

Popular festivals in the rural world have always been based on wisdom and respect for the rhythms of nature. In this session, and by means of a castañada, an autumn festival based on chestnuts, we will call to mind popular celebrations based on reciprocity, joy and sustainability. In addition, we will share recipes using chestnuts and other nuts.

27 November 17:00 - 19:00 | Do we know what we eat? (* and **)

The food industry has become so removed from natural processes of food production that today we do not know what the food we eat actually contains. Some of the goals of this workshop will be to look at how to analyse labels, which products are less healthy and to debunk certain ideas on supposedly healthy foods.

11 December 17:00 - 19:00 | A zero-residue Christmas (* and **)

Christmas is a time of the year when wasteful consumption gets out of control. In this session we will think together about alternatives and make sustainable gifts that will allow us to reduce the environmental impact of this holiday season.

18 December 18:30 | Healthy Christmas recipes (* and **)

We propose a workshop with recipes so that our holiday celebrations will be healthy, sustainable and economic and at once very enjoyable. Because it is possible to eat well and surprise family and friends without helping to make Christmas a small environmental disaster.

Activity type
From 11th Septiember
Target audience

The CA2M’s roof garden has been up and running for seven years, a time during which we have lived through an intense process in which many people have taken part, making it a meeting point predicated on working together and sharing know-how. Today, the community formed around the roof garden at CA2M is taking on the challenge of opening up to new people without forgetting the research and experimentation that motivates existing members of the community.

Huerto en la terraza
Roof terrace garden workshop
More information and contact
Is it a cycle?
Fridays from 11:00 - 13.00 or 17:00 - 19.00

You can do a lot of things with fire. Clay, earth, can be fired to make all sorts of vessels and containers. Water evaporates and the material hardens, a transformation provoked by fire. We want to undertake a project to experiment with this whole process. We will use clay like in other places and like here, we will use it all.

Fire trees are pieces that burn inside and outside, they are a kiln in themselves, they fire themselves. To this end we need a lot of people, a lot of time, a big space and a lot of fire.

All activities at CA2M are free.

Activity type
June 2021
Target audience

Clay, earth, can be fired to make all sorts of vessels and containers. Water evaporates and the material hardens, a transformation provoked by fire. We want to undertake a project to experiment with this whole process.

Creative workshop with clay
Categoría cabecera
Árboles de fuego
Fire Trees
More information and contact
Is it a cycle?

Moderated by Eva Garrido and Marta van Tartwijk

We avoid touching, fluids and drops of saliva. We cover our mouth, our nose and hands. Our reading group over the last few years has explored the oddities of the body and queer bodies. Now that reality is like science fiction, we will turn our attention to the aliens, vampires and bearded women which we have met along the way.

Last year, Birds Fuck in the Air endeavoured to address and think about the different textures of desire and its strange manifestations. Given the unforeseen imposition of the prohibition of touching, a distance was established that nonetheless could perhaps increase the idea of eroticism. And how lovers start to write to each other. We write a lot. Even distances become elastic and we can feel something touching us, that words and tongues walk all over us.

The task of writing, like desire, is perhaps always an unfinished task. One writes to continue writing. The stroller, by definition, is not going anywhere in particular, but is driven by the mere desire to walk. Going nowhere in order to maybe eventually arrive somewhere.

Among our desires as a group, this year we wish to recover one, to read a single book. Perhaps it is the right moment to think together about distances and the potential of strolling. This motor action of putting one step forward and then the other, to take our bodies to different places, opens up a horizon of possibilities and readings to discover the world through the body and the body through the world.


Upcoming sessions: 24 September, 15 October, 5 November, 16 November and 17 December at CA2M and the Delirio bookstore in Móstoles. There we will plan a series of routes based on the book Wanderlust. Una historia del caminar, by Rebecca Solnit.

The only requisite for taking part is to have read the texts before each session and to take part with a participative spirit.

More information: / 912 760 227

Activity type
Jueves alternos, 24 septiembre 2020 - Junio 2021

Nuestro grupo de lectura en los últimos años se ha acercado a las rarezas del cuerpo y a los cuerpos raros. Ahora que la realidad es de ciencia ficción, evocamos a las alienígenas, vampiras y barbudas que han andado con nosotras este camino.

Reading group on the book "Wanderlust"
Grupo de lectura. Wanderlust
All Those Who Walk for Walking's Sake
Is it a cycle?
17.00 - 20.00 horas

In autumn, taking advantage of the building work taking place in the museum, we will move our activities to extraordinary places where we can continue to think and create together. Intemperie (exposed to the elements) is a travel and expedition project outside the museum to work in the open air, exposed to the elements, to go for walks, to see daylight, to soak up whatever is out there. During these months we will go to see the stars, to workshops with artists and bookstores, take the train, climb mountains, camp, plant in the corners, read on paths and sing in the forest.

Outdoor projects:

Las Sin Nombre theatre group 

Under-21 Team

Universidad Popular

An amateur choir

Reading group

Roof terrace garden

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Project during Acupunture Phase 4

Intemperie (exposed to the elements) is a travel and expedition project outside the museum to work in the open air, exposed to the elements, to go for walks, to see daylight, to soak up whatever is out there.

Outdoor activities
Intemperie ***
Intemperie ***
Type Thinking / Community
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Is it a cycle?