

The goal of the Artists in Residence programme, run jointly by La Casa Encendida and CA2M, is to support creation and research focused on art work engaging with the body and performance.

Acento is a project held within the Artists in Residence framework in which some of the projects conceived and developed during the 2016 programme will be presented during a two-day event. The idea is to facilitate a meeting place with the artists in the 2017 programme. At the event the two organising institutions wish to place the accent on ideas that arose during the artistic experimentation using the body, understanding it as the social body and a political construct that produces knowledge through the sentient.

The artists selected in 2016 were: Lilli Hartman & Pablo Durango, Gérald Kurdian, Norberto Llopis & Paz Rojo, Julián Pacomio & Miguel del Amo, Claudia Pagés, Quim Pujol and Silvia Ulloa


At CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo
20:00: Julián Pacomio & Miguel del Amo: ESPACIO HACEDOR

If there is an empty space between two equal parts, then that is the Espacio Hacedor (Making Space).

Espacio Hacedor is a research project which explores the identification, analysis and architectural construction of possible spaces to be found between an original and its copy. Our interest lies in the aesthetic potential of the space located between two almost identical products. We accept that the process of copying or remaking a product, of whatever type, has two inevitable consequences: firstly, the copy not only produces a new product differentiated from the original, but it also produces a third result in the joint interpretation of the original and its copy (1 + 1 = 3). The second consequence is that it opens up the possibility of identifying an invisible image between two images. This is what Espacio Hacedor is all about.

The project is conceived in conjunction with the work of Jorge Luis Borges, Agustín Fernández Mallo and Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, approaching the theatrical, literary, conceptual and architectural work of the aforementioned artists from the perspective of the body.

Julián Pacomio graduated with a BA in Fine Arts in Salamanca. Among his most outstanding works are My Turin Horse, Psicosis Expandida and Espacio Hacedor, performing art projects that experiment with the idea of the copy, remake, translation and appropriation of the material of others.

Miguel del Amo graduated with a BA in Architecture from ETSA, Valladolid and Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem. His interest in architecture and design is rooted in various aspects of these disciplines, ranging from the most functional to the least explored.

21:30: Quim Pujol. FREGOLI
Leopoldo Fregoli was one the most celebrated quick-change artists in history. During his performances he kept changing his appearance at lightning speed, impersonating dozens of different characters in one show. The critic Sebastià Gasch said of him: “Fregoli impersonated over one thousand characters of all genders, types and classes (…) Fregoli introduced into theatre the first inklings of the themes of our time.” The Italian actor was also a major reference for Joan Brossa and for avant-garde theatre. This project engages with Fregoli and the avant-garde in order to celebrate the ability to transform ourselves, being in motion and its endless possibilities.

What have we still to learn from Fregoli? In this series of transformation acts, the actor never changes his appearance.

Quim Pujol is a writer, curator and artist. He works on the boundaries between writing, the performing arts and contemporary art. His latest works are Trance colectivo (2014), ASMR del futuro (2015) and Fregoli (2016).

Admission free while places last

At La Casa Encendida. Patio
22:00: Hot Bodies (Stand up) by Gerald Kurdian & Trk_X

Hot Bodies (Stand up) is a live show by Gerald Kurdian with two electronic instruments, a sampler and a vocoder, and the participation of a female choir created for the occasion. Borrowing from the idioms of opera, stand-up comedy, choreography and documentary, the libretto contains seven songs and two danced interludes, the adventurers of an antihero called Tarek X as he makes his way through the sexual revolutions of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Gerald Kurdian is a musician, composer and radio artist who explores performativity and critiques contemporary art by means of various different mechanisms.

Admission: €5. Tickets on sale at, at 902 044 226 and at Casa Encendida from 10:00 to 21:45

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27th and 28th January, 2017
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Acento is a project held within the Artists in Residence framework in which some of the projects conceived and developed during the 2016 programme will be presented during a two-day event. The idea is to facilitate a meeting place with the artists in the 2017 programme.

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Is it a cycle?

The Artists in Residence programme is organised jointly by La Casa Encendida and CA2M with a mandate to support artistic creation and research centred on performative work with the body.

Artists in Residence ties in with the core programming of LCE and CA2M, and for this reason particular emphasis will be given to project that engage best with the two art centres’ main lines of research and experimentation. Artists in Residence also aims at striking up a dialogue between artists and the main agents associated with the art centres and their respective programmes.

The residency has a maximum duration of eight weeks at LCE and CA2M. The times and work spaces will be agreed in accordance with the needs of the individual project and in function of the availability of spaces at the art centres.

The residency comes with a fee of €2000 (taxes included).

The seven (7) shortlisted projects will be made public on 21 December 2016.

The residency is open to:
Artists working on the boundaries of art, searching for forms to make its conventional limits more permeable.

The call opens on 4 November at 12:00 noon (gtm+1) and closes on 25 November 2016 at 8:00 pm.

Requisites for project:
The call is open to projects involving research into production, with a particular focus on those exploring the boundaries and limits of accepted art disciplines, breaking down the conventional distinctions between dance, performance, and theatre.

Applications: to apply for a residency, you must fill out and return the form together with a résumé (max 1 page) and a project brief (max 6000 characters). Support material such as links to videos, webpages, etc., may also be included. Projects will be accepted in Spanish or in English.

Esperanza Collado, artist
María Eguizabal, public activities, CA2M
Victoria Gil-Delgado and Carlos Granados, education team, CA2M
Begoña Hernández, performing arts coordinator, LCE
María Jerez, artist
Pablo Martínez, head of programming, MACBA
Beatriz Navas, head of audiovisual and performing arts, LCE

LCE and CA2M reserve the right to diffuse the shortlisted projects via the media they consider appropriate.

LCE and CA2M guarantee the confidentiality of the documentation sent for the purposes of this call. LCE and CA2M guarantee compliance with the content of Law 15/1999, dated 13 December 1999, with regards the protection of personal data provided and covered by the application of the aforementioned law.

Enrolment form: Link to form

For additional information send an email to: [email protected] or to [email protected] with the subject Artistas en residencia 2017.

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Artists in Residence ties in with the core programming of LCE and CA2M, and for this reason particular emphasis will be given to project that engage best with the two art centres’ main lines of research and experimentation. Artists in Residence also aims at striking up a dialogue between artists and the main agents associated with the art centres and their respective programmes.

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Artistas en residencia 2017
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Is it a cycle?

With a mandate to support artistic creation and research centred on performative work with the body, the Artists in Residence programme is organised jointly by La Casa Encendida and CA2M.

Acento is a three-day seminar in which the projects carried out during the Artists in Residence programme in 2015 will be presented in public. The idea is also to offer a forum where the artists chosen for the programme in 2016 can meet the artists who have just passed through the experience in 2015. Over the three days the two organising institutions wish to focus on a rethinking of artistic production using the body, understanding it as a social body and as a political construct that produces knowledge from the sentient.

The artists chosen in 2015 were: Alejandra Pombo, Ignacio de Antonio, Los bárbaros: Miguel Rojo & Javier Hernando, Marisol López Rubio, Poderío vital, Silvia Zayas and Terrorismo de autor.

The artists chosen in 2016 are: Lilli Hartman, Gérald Kurdian, Norberto Llopis, Julián Pacomio , Claudia Pagés, Quim Pujol and Silvia Ulloa.

Admission in CA2M is free until reaching capacity.

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10, 11 and 12 february, 2016
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Acento is a three-day seminar in which the projects carried out during the Artists in Residence programme in 2015 will be presented in public. The idea is also to offer a forum where the artists chosen for the programme in 2016 can meet the artists who have just passed through the experience in 2015.

acento 2016
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3 sesiones
Is it a cycle?

This year the Call for Artists in Residence received a total of 280 projects, a slightly higher figure than last year. We would like to thank all those who responded to our call for their interest and for sending their projects.

The artists chosen for the Artists in Residence programme for 2016 are:

- Lilli Hartmann and Pablo Durango with the project: Welcome Home
- Gérald Kurdian with the project: TRKTV
- Norberto Llopis with the project: The Capitalist (El Capitalista)
- Julián Pacomio with the project: Espacio Hacedor
- Claudia Pagés with the project: Columna/Garganta
- Quim Pujol with the project: El Dr. Mabuse contra Gloria Gaynor
- Silvia Ulloa with the project: Atlas

The Artists in Residence programme is included as an integral part of the annual programming of La Casa Encendida and CA2M. To this end, the chosen projects are those which best respond to the two art centres’ main areas of research and experimentation. As such, Artists in Residence is not aimed exclusively at funding production but rather it is viewed as an opportunity to strike up a dialogue between creators and the agents working with the two art centres and their respective programmes.

For further information please contact us at: or at


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This year the Call for Artists in Residence received a total of 280 projects, a slightly higher figure than last year. We would like to thank all those who responded to our call for their interest and for sending their projects.

Artistas en residencia 2016
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Is it a cycle?

This year’s projects focus on research, process and a questioning of the limits of performance.

Artists in Residence is conceived in conjunction with the programming of La Casa Encendida and CA2M. For this reason, the chosen projects dovetail with the two art centres’ policies of research and experimentation. As such, Artists in Residence is not conceived exclusively to fund production, but rather it is viewed as an opportunity to strike up a dialogue between artists and the agents associated with the two institutions and their respective programmes.

The projects chosen for the Artists in Residence 2015 programme are:

Alejandra Pombo. It’s Called Listen is a film based on a performative process in which the artist is both creator and performer of the work. The film is like an odd combination of Woody Allen and Chaplin, yet taken as a whole it is completely different, as the artist is in the image instead of activating it. Using a home camera, without a script or film crew to ensure the freedom and independence to make the most of the circumstances and the possibilities of the moment, the film was conceived as a succession of images and actions that explore a narrative through various layers of reference that intertwine around the basic formal idea of the hole. A hole is an opening that enables a subjectivity to arise in relation to the different. When there is a hole, there is something waiting to emerge. When a hole moves, a surface is invented. "I want to turn a film into a sieve as a kind of opening that strengthens the transformation of the relationship between the spectator and the film that we are used to."

Alejandra Pombo

Ignacio de Antonio. Unperformanceaperformance is research in progress in the form of a series of performance pieces. Its goal is to explore how performance, or performativity, operates in the relationships between body, space and time inasmuch as a social mechanism. It poses a number of questions, in the guise of a suite of pieces, developed through critical practice, where the work asks questions about performance, the theatricality of ‘the real’ and practice as art research. Underlying the whole process is the question of our unavoidable condition as spectators.

Ignacio de Antonio

Los bárbaros: Miguel Rojo & Javier Hernando. We are born into a political model that, now that the twentieth century is over, seems set to be profoundly fixed throughout the rest of our lives. Those of us who were born more recently did not live through the rise and fall of the great socio-economic movements: neither fascism nor communism. We were born, grew up, reproduced and will possibly die under the same political system. Our era is not sufficiently agitated. With the collapse of ideologies, all we can do is bring into question governmental bodies, which in turn are bound hand and foot to undertake their mission of governing. We march to the drum of the economy. How can we break down the solid pillars of a political model? Who builds them, an

Los bárbaros

Marisol López Rubio. Las palabras y los cuerpos: My Favorite Things is a process of performative research into the philosophy of language applied to the stage. It wishes to come up with practical responses to questions on the uses, affects and games of language, and to analyse representation, speaking, classification, change and play as possibilities of language and to then transfer them to the stage, translating them into theatrical language. And it wishes to bring into question the role and position of the body within this process. It wants to rename everything from the body, to discover the affects of language in space, to overstep the limits of the possible of what we can name with words.

Marisol López

How to directly and vehemently shit, musically speaking, on all that is supposed to be inherent to living but which strikes us as limiting as living beings.  Poderío vital presents mecagüen (the I-shit-ons)
Poderío Vital. Oscar Bueno & Itxaso Corral

Listen to audio



Silvia Zayas. El puente de Farim no existe is a performative piece that explores the fictions of the former Portuguese colonial empire and the relationship of one of the former colonies with current capitalism. Mixing fiction and documentary, it weaves a mechanism that is based on a kind of choreography that mixes light, sound and editing, opening up narratives to the future and even science fiction. It is based on an anecdote about a bridge in the province of Farim (Guinea-Bissau) where fiction is mixed with reality, through a radio broadcaster known as María Turra.

This work is part of a body of research, already including a series of previous works like Ballets Roses, São Tomé Revisitado or Pêro Escobar vs. Elvis Presley, into Portuguese colonialism which was undertaken from the point of view of family memory, but which aspires (never) to be chained to it. The familial quality of this series of works is just the spark to ignite performative and audiovisual works somewhere between fiction and documentary. "I’m not only interested in historical research, and a search for precarious or absurd connections with the present, but at once I am looking for ways of taking documentary to different performative mechanisms for working in a time and space shared with spectators (something that film does not apparently allow)".

Terrorismo de autor. The Terrorismo de autor collective will be working on a hybrid piece, an "overflow of the screen" that requires transferring its audiovisual (documentary, advertising, essay) practice as well as its own referential universe through performative bodies and mechanisms that relate and confront the very space of representation with the public. The body of the piece and the experience proposed to the spectator are conformed of three dimensions. A shift from the anaesthesia of the Spectacle, which colonises revolutionary territories and imaginaries, passing through its collapse due to the acceptance of suffering and humiliation inflicted by the mass media and working conditions, until arriving at the emptiness where determination is possible: collective delirium and the subsequent abolition of representation.

Terrorismo de autor is an anonymous-delirious collective founded in 2012. Their audiovisual pieces with a political and social character propose an aesthetic and ideological remake of May 1968 in the present moment. Combining humour, virality, activism and nouvelle vague, they engage in revolutionary actions that are neither violent nor pacific, but creative.


Artists in Residence is a joint programme funded by La Casa Encendida and CA2M. Its goal is to support creation within the field of dance and work with the body from other disciplines, offering artists space to experiment and to present their proposals.

Artists in Residence is conceived to complement the programming of La Casa Encendida and CA2M. Therefore, the projects that best respond to the two centres’ policies of research and experimentation will be taken into consideration. This programme is not solely aimed at funding production, but instead is an opportunity to strike up dialogue between artists and the agents working with the two institutions and their respective programmes.

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Artists in Residence is conceived in conjunction with the programming of La Casa Encendida and CA2M. For this reason, the chosen projects dovetail with the two art centres’ policies of research and experimentation. As such, Artists in Residence is not conceived exclusively to fund production, but rather it is viewed as an opportunity to strike up a dialogue between artists and the agents associated with the two institutions and their respective programmes.

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Artistas en residencia 2015
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Is it a cycle?

Artists in Residence is a joint program by CA2M and La Casa Encendida. Its goal is to support creation by dance artists and other artists working with their body. The program offers artists spaces to experiment, to think and to present their proposals.

Acento is a program linked with a Artists in Residence. Projects carried out during 2013 stays will be resented and a meeting space with 2014 artists will be created. Both institutions want to stress the reflection resulting from artistic production that happens through the body. Body is hereby understood as social body, as a political construction that that transforms sensitivity into knowledge.

Artisits selected in 2013 were: Elisa Arteta,  Cristina Blanco, Pablo Esbert, Carmen Fumero, Martín Llavaneras, Cecilia Lisa Eliceche, Elpida Orfanidou and Juan Perno,  Ángela Peris, Jesús Rubio Gamo and Navidad Santiago.

Admission free while seats are available.



20.30h. Building Ropes, by Carmen Fumero

This is a journey made with sensations. Two people relate with each other using intuition represented by their hands, able to express desire and impulse. Sometimes they feel a spontaneous and intuitive need to follow the same direction; sometimes guiding is their objective, and some others they let themselves go. The hands answer the need to recover that emotion. As a result, a past sensation.

Carmen Fumero has carried out several solo projects, among which a work from 2011, with the support of Laura Kumin and Daniel Abreu stands out. In 2010 she received a residence grant in Teatros del Canal through Madrid Choreographic Contest, and that is when she creates her first big format work, Irony, which opened at Teatro Pradilo in 2011. In 2013 she received two choreographic residences, one in Teatros del Canal and another one in La Casa Encendida.

21.30h. SuperFicials, by Navidad Santiago

This work is a reflection on matter’s communication capacity, starting from elemental particles until reaching human behavior. Because behind modern science, behind fractures and unions, behind love and unease, behind social change, poetry and fiction, our behavior patterns convey the conduct of the most essential matter, of the most superficial matters.

Navidad Santiago (Madrid, 1975) holds a Sociology degree by the UCM. Madrid; a post-graduate degree in Political History by Palachejo University. Olomouc. Chec Republic, and a degree in Classical Dance by África Guzmán, SCAENA, Madrid Dance Center.


19.00 h. Elpid’arc, by Elpida Orfanidou and by Juan Perno

Elpida Orfanidou and Juan Perno decide to plunge into an impossible adventure: to copy and recreate one of the most important works of the history of cinema, the silent movie La passion de Jeanne d’Arc (1928) directed by C.Th.Dreyer and featuring María Falconetti as main actress. Elpid’arc is a film-performance where cinema and theatre become an alchemical solution. The unexpected encounter between mysticism, everyday life and sense of humor makes this work fascinating.

Elpida Orfanidou (Greece, 1981) is a Greek choreographer and performer; she studied dance and performance in Athens, Arnhem, Montpellier and London. She has created several solo projects that were gathered in “One is almost never”. She has worked with Herman Heisig (United States) and Juan Perno ( Elpid’arc). As a performer she has worked with Gui garrido, Tim Etchells, Mahela Rostek and Meg Stuart among others.

Juan Perno (Madrid, 1980) holds a degree in Philosophy (UAM Madrid) and a PhD in Aesthetic, Photography and Audiovisual Communication (Fine Arts College. Universidad Politécnica of Valencia). He has been a teacher of real and live cinema and video in several centers. He worked as a creative director of digital advertisement in Italy for four years. At the time he works in projects mainly focused on appropriation in different fields such as video, photography and theatre. Elpid'arc is his last work. It’s a co-production between HAU Theatre Berlin and the Onassis Foundation in Athens, together with La Casa Encendida and CA2M.

20.30h. Vortex agitator, by Cristina Blanco

Vórtex agitator is Cristina Blanco’s brand new project. Starting with the wish to work with different genres (cinema, opera, theatre, musical, etcetera…) the artist researches on each genre’s conventions in order to question their rules and to surprisingly combine them. A live collage of genres that talk to each other and break their own codes, questioning their own nature and playing at changing the rules. Why do we associate a symphonic orchestra playing dissonant music with a scary movie? What happens if the credits at the end of a James Bond movie have a background of traditional bagpipe Galician music? How do E.T. and a bishop live together in the Far West? What about a Sevillana dancer and a ninja fighter in a spaceship?

After getting a degree in Mime Theatre by RESAD, Cristina Blanco works as an actress in several theatre companies. She gets interested in dance and follows a few workshops, plays different roles in a few short films and sings in a few bands. In 2004 she creates her first solo project: cUADRADO_fLECHA_pERSONA qUE cORRE (square, arrow, person who runs). In 2006, she creates caixa preta_caja negra together with Brazilian choreographer Claudia Müller. In 2008 she opens The Nevestarting Story, a project by Cuqui Jerez, María Jerez, Amaia Urra and Cristina Blanco. In October 2009 she opens The Croquis Reloaded in Madrid, a work by Cuqui Jerez with Cristina Blanco. In September 2010 she features TELETRANSPORTATION installation/piece created for Mapa festival, and in October she opens ciencia_ficción (science-fiction), a solo chat-process-blog-concert.


17.30h. Impermanence, by Elisa Arteta

The artist proposes a corporeal, visual and sound experience that refers to constant change and no-return. The artist’s movements are limited in this situation and she needs to adapt her body to a new habitat. When time passes by, a well-defined trail is left behind which becomes the memory of what happened there. Meanwhile the audience can freely walk around the installation and choose the duration of their experience.

Elisa Arteta is a dancer in the broad sense of the term. Her work shows many layers and interests, ranging from video camera use, to proprioception study or the search of ways to integrate different themes on stage. At the moment she questions the intentions of a body that is displayed on stage and the meaning of the concept of choreography itself. She always looks for very different contexts to present her work.

18.30h. Sound-sensing the space, by Ángela Peris Alcantud

This work is about inventing a new sound reality. This reality exists and it’s right here, around us. In order for this world to come into light, it needs to be vibrated, told, noted down, whispered, broken down, played and displayed. The idea of sound-sensing results from the need of creating movement through sound. Our own imagination or an external factor (all the sounds around us) could be creating this sound. In both cases and both through the internal and the external sound, sentences are created with the body and the voice that finally become a rhythmic score, a piece of sound and movement. Sound-sensing means to experience sound islands that together make a noisy and invented archipelago.

Ángela Peris Alcantud holds a degree and a master in Audiovisual Communication; she studied choreography and dance in Martha Graham School and Dance Space Center (now DNA), New York; in SNDO, School for New Dance Development, Holland, and in Institut del Teatre, Barcelona. Her work is a quest for a meeting point between movement, voice and thought. Together with artist Alma Söderberg, in 2012 she created ALLES, a piece designed for children. Also, since 2011 she works as a collaborating artist in Yehudi Menuhin Foundation in Spain, as part of the Mus-e program, art for coexistence.

20.00h. The rape of Europa (2013 - ad infinitum), by Jesús Rubio Gamo.

Searching for a subjective-collective non-historical memory

Jesús Rubio Gamo aims at creating a meeting point in Madrid city with the goal of building a collective memory that is both subjective and emotional. A "memorial emotional and dramatic monument" would be created to be shared with others through samples of this very monument and additional activities (such as round tables and debates) revolving around this process.

Jesús Rubio Gamo (Madrid, 1982) holds a Master in Performing Arts and Visual Culture by Alcalá de Henares University and Reina Sofía National Museum, 2011-2012. He is a play-wright. Co-author of texts presented by the Sala Cuarta Pared, Madrid, in 2010 "White Night" event; guest choreographer, Spanish representative in Das 6 Tagen Rennen International Festival. Creation of a piece with residence in Pact-Zollverein, Essen. Shows in Madrid, Lucerne and Essen. German-Spanish-Swiss co-production, 2010.

21.30h. Going nowhere together, by Pablo Esbert

Going nowhere together is performance that seems to be a concert, a ritual that seems to be a ballet solo, and a collective experience that seems to be a show. During two months I have invited other artists, friends, relatives and strangers to spend a day with me; a day to share physical and sound practice, to reflect and discover together going nowhere.

Pablo Esbert Lilienfeld creates his own theatre and audiovisual works since 2005. He closely works with Alessandro Sciarroni and with other European choreographers. At the same time, he works as a musician and video-creator. He studied Audiovisual Communcation in Universidad Complutense, Contemporary Dance in RCPD and music in the Creative Music School.

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13rs, 14th y 15th february 2014
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La Casa Encendida and CA2M want to stress the reflection resulting from artistic production that happens through the body. Body is hereby understood as social body, as a political construction that that transforms sensitivity into knowledge.

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Is it a cycle?



It is paradoxical that the books featuring selections from an art collection, collection books, become in turn collectable books, objects that sit on shelves in offices or adorn boardroom tables with the reassuring heft of the coffee table book. Does it make any sense to maintain a format that simply serves to add a coat of intellectual varnish to the culture of luxury? Does it make any sense to perpetuate its fetishistic, untouchable, priceless, reserved and illegible aura?

DIDDCC opens again as a space for study and research into the CA2M and ARCO collections and the development of critical strategies for working with and publicising them. This year, DIDDCC, with Carlos Martín at the helm, will question the various factors behind the publication of contemporary art collections, both public and private; will take a look at the canons and dogmas operating in this particular field; and will propose a space for research that can give rise to open proposals, issues and lines of work which can then be implemented in the upcoming publication of the CA2M and ARCO Collection, due for 2018.

Can a necessarily closed format be made compatible with an open-ended collection in constant growth? Are there any germane distinctions between a public collection and a published collection? Is it possible to write about a specific artistic proposal without, in the process, neutralising its potentials? Is it possible to conceive a radically open book? A collection must publish its contents and the interpretive keys to them, but, does it also have to publish its complex and often controversial origins and formation? These are some of the issues we wish to explore in DIDDCC, in which the confluence of collection and publication will activate various different vectors: research into and curating of the collection’s holdings, writing (style, codes, theoretical approach, potential public, issues of authorship), editing, registering and cataloguing of the artworks, graphic design and strategies for the diffusion of contents.

The participants will have access to the study of the collections, meetings with the staff at CA2M, with artists and other agents in today’s artworld in order to research the various aspects involved and to set out case studies. DIDDCC invites postgraduate, master and doctorate students in Art History, Fine Arts, Humanities and Communication to take part.

Confirmed guest participants:

David Armengol (Freelance curator).
Àlex Gifreu (Graphic designer. Best of European Design and Advertising 2016).
Lola Hinojosa (Head of Performative and Intermedia Arts Collection. Museo Reina Sofía).
Carolina Martínez and Clemente Bernad (Editorial Alkibla).
Rosario Peiró (Director of Collections. Museo Reina Sofía).
Sergio Rubira (Creator of DIDDCC and Deputy-director of Collections and Exhibitions at IVAM).
Isabel Salgado and Óscar Pina (‘La Caixa’ Collection).
Manuel Segade (Director of CA2M).

Enrolment from 15 January to 12 February. The list of selected participants will be announced on 16 February

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2ND MARCH - 15TH JUNE 2018/ 16:30 - 20:30H
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This year, DIDDCC, with Carlos Martín at the helm, will question the various factors behind the publication of contemporary art collections, both public and private; will take a look at the canons and dogmas operating in this particular field

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Signalling a context before an extract is an action of configuration, an exercise in emergence. This dynamic validates propositions where actions, gestures and statements are read and recognised from the legibility facilitated by that which argumentative doxa calls “context”. However, the material condition of these same elements enables us to uncover other ways of speaking of a context. A novel that begins, like the title of Una novel que comienza the only book by Macedonio Fernández published while alive, is a statement of a beginning and conditions the movement of reading and the reception of a story. This plural and subjective narration throws light on various forms of partaking in a context. Diego Vecchio, Alejo Ponce de León, Karina Peisajovich, María Moreno and Pablo Schanton will rethink some of the “living materials” with which Argentinian art arrives at different works and positions. The sole intention of breaking down this stock of materials in first person is to share ideas about the keys to participation; fields of relationships in which art hinges around the idea of community, literature, music, the construction of the artist and the productive surplus value that emerges through affectivity.


16:00: Presentation by Mariano Mayer
16:30: Diego Vecchio
17:00: Alejo Ponce de León
17:30: Karina Peisajovich
18:00: María Moreno
18:30: Pablo Schanton

Curated by Mariano Mayer

Admission free

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18th February 2017
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A novel that begins, like the title of Una novel que comienza the only book by Macedonio Fernández published while alive, is a statement of a beginning and conditions the movement of reading and the reception of a story. This plural and subjective narration throws light on various forms of partaking in a context. Diego Vecchio, Alejo Ponce de León, Karina Peisajovich, María Moreno and Pablo Schanton will rethink some of the “living materials” with which Argentinian art arrives at different works and positions.

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Is it a cycle?

Images occupy a privileged position in the whole framework of fictions, gestures and actions that make up our daily reality. Deliberately arranged, manipulated and shared, they have become undisputed agents that operate beyond the territory that, since modernity, has been defined as aesthetic –and which the Art Institution has inherited. For its affective capacity, its maddening traffic, its connection with the bodies, this issue of Re-visiones not only invites to critically rethink the whole field that the digitalisation of the world has put into circulation, but also to put spatial and temporal strain on concepts that are today thought ‘undercommons’ with others that have concerned us in moments of struggle with the public sphere or the popular, all that broke out in the great hope of the ‘cultural revolution’. We welcome articles that prompt to think of the discontent that underlies the forms of culture required for any community yet to come.


Receipt of original texts: 1st June 2017 (call closed)

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For its affective capacity, its maddening traffic, its connection with the bodies, this issue of Re-visiones not only invites to critically rethink the whole field that the digitalisation of the world has put into circulation, but also to put spatial and temporal strain on concepts that are today thought ‘undercommons’ with others that have concerned us in moments of struggle with the public sphere or the popular, all that broke out in the great hope of the ‘cultural revolution’.

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Type Thinking / Community
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Is it a cycle?

The core element of a proposal for global change is the idea of cities in transition, a change led by people who wish to respond with practical solutions to the big challenges of our time, like climate change, peak oil, and the socioeconomic crisis that seems to have become a chronic illness. We will look for a third option somewhere between the ecologically impossible fantasy of perpetual growth in a finite planet, and the perspective of the collapse of industrial society increasingly predicted by scientific reports. We call this third option creative decline.

In addition, we understand that the challenge of sustainability is a good opportunity to plant the seed of a more just, participative and fulfilling society. Since eight years ago, the Rompe el Círculo Institute for Transition has been working towards implementing the philosophy of movement in transition in the city of Móstoles. We hope that these seminars will mark a point of inflection on the road towards a model of city geared towards the enjoyment of the good life, within the reach of everybody, bearing in mind the limits of a finite planet. The idea behind Móstoles, City in Transition is to live better with less.

Organised by Rompe el círculo Institute for Transition


MONDAY 18 APRIL. 19:00
The Limits of Growth.
Jorge Riechmann and Emilio Santiago
Our expansive economic systems are already beginning to clash frontally with our planet’s biophysical limits. In fields such as climate, energy, water and biodiversity, we are facing an authentic planetary state of emergency. This seminar will take a look at key scientific evidence for a proper understanding of our time. Jorge Riechmann is a lecturer in moral philosophy at UAM, a poet, translator, environmental activist and one of the most important figures in eco-socialist thinking in Spanish. Emilio Santiago is a social anthropologist who has penned the books No es una estafa, es una crisis (de civilización) and Rutas sin mapa (winner of Catarata 2015 prize for essays).

Ecofeminist gazes on the crisis of civilization
Marta Pascual
This session is conceived to introduce us to the main ideas of ecofeminism, and to help us to better understand the way in which a project of transition must also be a project of liberation with regards patriarchal structures. Marta Pascual is the coordinator of Ecologistas en Acción’s education section. She is also the co-author of, among others, the books Cambiar las gafas para mirar el mundo and Ecología y Educación.

Engaging with movement in transition
Juan del Río
Movement in transition is one of the most interesting responses that have arisen to confront the crisis of civilization. Its central idea is that the energy decline is an opportunity to move towards a longed-for reality, and that the best way of addressing it with hope is through advances in local self-governance. Juan del Río is a biologist, educator, author of the book Guía de la Transición and co-founder of Red de Transición de España.

The Limits of Renewable Energies, under debate
Antonio García Olivares and Pedro Prieto
A sustainable future must be a future based on renewable energies. But there are fundamental doubts on the type of society that can be sustained by renewable energies. This session will feature a debate between two of the leading experts in Spain on this issue, who have also publicly defended differing positions with regards the compatibility of renewable energies with the modern way of life. Antonio García-Olivares is a physicist and sociologist, a member of CSIC and of the Crash Oil Observatory research and outreach collective. Pedro Prieto is an engineer, vice-president of AEREN (Association for the Study of Energy Resources), who has spoken widely on Peak Oil and is the editor of the Crisis Energética web portal.


Roof terrace garden
We are largely unaware of the huge potential to grow our own food at home and the pleasure of eating food we have grown ourselves. In this workshop we will learn the basics on how to grow food in small spaces, like a balcony or roof terrace.

Energy Efficiency
Our houses are designed to use lots of energy. This workshop will teach us tricks on how to reduce our electricity bill while at once contributing, from the domestic realm, to a more rational use of energy.

Solar Cooking
Cooking with solar energy is easy if you know how; especially in a country like Spain. In this workshop we will build our own solar kitchen to cook effortlessly without consuming energy, thanks to recycling common materials.

All practice sessions will be held on the CA2M roof terrace


FRIDAY 22 APRIL. 11:30
Visualisation of Móstoles in 2030 [participative community education]
This participative initiative will endeavour to collectively imagine Móstoles in 2030. We will do so under the hypothesis that Móstoles will have become a place in which energy consumption has declined as an obligatory condition for living full lives.

FRIDAY 22 APRIL. 19:00
Presentation of the journal 15/15\15
Manuel Casal Lodeiro
15/15\15 is a journal conceived to support the construction of a new post-industrial, post-capitalist and post-growth civilization. The presentation will showcase some passages from issue zero, focused on stories that reflect different aspects of life in 2030. Manuel Casal Lodeiro is author of the book Esquerda ante o colapso da civilización industrial, a member of the Galicia-based collective Véspera de Nada and editor of the journal 15/15\15.

FRIDAY 22 APRIL. 21:00
Craft beer tasting + Negroni in Transition
Local Bier and Negroni collective


The Challenge of Sustainability in Political Change
Signed by key political figures in Spain, the Última llamada manifesto was published in Summer 2014. Its goal is to warn people of the pressing need to place sustainability at the centre of political change in Spain. However, left-wing parties have lent scant importance to the challenge of sustainability. To respond to these and other questions, the roundtable has invited leading representatives from political parties to debate the Última llamada manifesto: Teresa Ribera (PSOE), former Secretary of State for Climate Change (2008-2011); Florent Marcellesi, MEP for EQUO; Juan Carlos Monedero, founder of PODEMOS; Sol Sánchez, member of parliament for Unidad Popular [to be confirmed]. The roundtable will be moderated by Margarita Mediavilla, physicist at the University of Valladolid and a member of the group promoting the Última llamada manifesto.


11:00 — 12:30
Arrival and breakfast in transition for International Book Day, with CIDESPU
12:30 — 13:30
Presentation of the Móstoles, City in Transition project
13:30 — 14:30
Other transitions: presenting the work of social movements in Móstoles
14:30 — 15:30
Communal lunch
15:30 — 17:00
After-lunch show with surprises, relaxation and rest
17:00 — 18:30
Driving Móstoles, City in Transition
18:30 — 20:00
Living well with less
20:00 — 20:30

Admission free while places last

More info on: and

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18th - 24th APRIL 2016

We hope that these seminars will mark a point of inflection on the road towards a model of city geared towards the enjoyment of the good life, within the reach of everybody, bearing in mind the limits of a finite planet. The idea behind Móstoles, City in Transition is to live better with less.

Móstoles en transición
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Thinking
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Is it a cycle?