Garden on the terrace

Garden on the terrace

This year, after a decade working together in the vegetable garden, we want to focus on experiences that give you the skills and confidence you need to cultivate a vegetable garden on your own. Whether for your private vegetable garden or our collective one on the Museo CA2M roof terrace, we’ll cover everything you need to achieve your goal and carry out a large-scale project with self-assurance. We’ll also run other workshops related to nature and environmental conservation from the perspective of our cities.

Roof Terrace Garden is a space where different generations come together to learn, build and share knowledge for the collective creation of a new urban model based on ecological sustainability and putting the good life into practice. It’s a space for devising a transition to a world that is able to provide a robust response to the major challenges of the twenty-first century.

Xisela Garcia Moure provides training in organic farming, permaculture and specialised techniques for urban vegetable gardens and sustainable food. Plus, she’s a resident of Móstoles.


Introduction to cultivating an organic garden that produces all year round.

  • Friday 7 February – Vegetables all year round

In this workshop we’ll cover the basics for creating an organic garden that produces all year round. We’ll also try to calculate the spaces and plants you need to obtain your entire vegetarian diet in a single place.

  • Friday 14 February – Irrigation systems

No vegetable garden in Madrid can survive without an efficient irrigation system to compensate for the lack of rain in the hottest months of the year. What’s the best system for watering your garden?

  • Friday 21 February – Green fertilisers and soil fertility

You can't create an organic garden without first examining the soil from which it will grow. What does organic, sustainable cultivation really mean?

  • Friday 28 February – The edible forest

The best way to emulate nature’s wisdom is to create a system as similar as possible to the natural ecosystem. Learn how to combine trees, shrubs and vegetables in the same space.

  • Friday 7 March – Designing a vegetable garden

It’s time to decide what you want to eat this summer and how you are going to organise your spaces. The design is the key to a healthy vegetable garden.

  • 14 March – Spring planting

A garden grows from its seeds. Which are the best seeds for an organic garden? Learn how to prepare seedbeds.

  • 21 March – Aromatic plants

No vegetable or regular garden is complete without a space for colourful aromatic plants. Edible or not, they will complement your garden and attract biodiversity.

  • 28 March – The ornamental garden

A special workshop for those who enjoy having a green space in their home or garden but don’t want to commit to the work involved in growing vegetables every year. An ornamental garden is also a beautiful way to connect with nature.


Growing different families of vegetables and getting the system up and running.

  • 4 April – Planting bulbs

In this workshop we look at the best way to grow bulbs, whether flowers or root vegetables, to ensure they thrive and you can enjoy their beauty and flavour a few months down the line.

  • 11 April – Planting leaf vegetables

Everything you need to know about planting leaf vegetables and other herbaceous plants, from cultivating them to treating the effects of frost, heat waves and pests.

  • 25 April – Planting legumes

No organic garden is complete without legumes. These plants not only help to maintain soil fertility but offer a vital source of vegetable protein.

  • 9 May – Planting fruit vegetables

The quintessential summer vegetables. Learn about the different varieties of tomatoes, aubergines, peppers... and everything you need to know about growing them in a place like Madrid.

  • 16 May – Biodiversity in the vegetable garden

Not all insects are harmful. Some of them will help you to care for your plants if you give them a cosy place to thrive.  Organic treatments for pests and diseases.

  • 23 May – Homemade remedies for diseases in the family vegetable garden

Now that you can identify pests in your garden, we’ll give you some ideas for eradicating them. You’ll also learn how to identify other diseases and make remedies to keep your plants healthy.

  • 30 May – Out and about!

The best way to learn how to cultivate a garden is to visit similar projects so you can pick up new ideas and tips. (Advance registration is required for this workshop. Get in touch with Reception at CA2M to book your place.)

  • 6 June – The organic garden diet I

Organic food isn’t just a fad. It’s a matter of health. But there’s no point going organic if you don't know how to get the full benefit.

  • 13 June – The organic garden diet II

We give you more tips and recipe ideas to improve your diet for healthy eating.

  • 20 June – Healthy picnic

It’s time to put into practice the recipes and knowledge you’ve acquired and share delicious flavours and dishes at an end-of-term meal.

Activity type
Target audience
Acceso notas adicionales



Huerto en la terraza is an intergenerational meeting point in which to learn, build and share knowledge for the collective creation of a new city model based on sustainability in ecological terms and the practice of good living. A space in which to devise a transition towards a world capable of facing the great challenges of the 21st century with strength.

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Picture: Sue Ponce.

Is it a cycle?
FRIDAY 11:30 - 13:30


It’s time to get our hands dirty to understand, on-site, what it means to keep soil alive. In this series, we’re going to teach you how to cultivate your own organic garden while also sharing tips and useful practices so you can make the most of its potential in the city and make our day-to-day lives more sustainable. We’ll begin by taking out the summer crops to make room for the autumn-winter ones.

Friday 20 September. Introduction to regenerative agriculture. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Our farm soils are increasingly degraded, and now’s the time to begin understanding how the earth that feeds our plants works in order to help to improve its fertility in our crops.

Friday 27 September. Hands dirty. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

It’s time to get our hands dirty to understand, on-site, what it means to keep soil alive. Plus we’ll begin to take out the summer crops in order to make room for the autumn-winter ones. In this series, we’ll teach you how to grow your own organic garden while also sharing tips and useful practices so you can make so you can make the most of its potential in the city and make our day-to-day lives more sustainable.

Friday 4 October. Know your soil. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

In this workshop, we’ll share tips about what our soil is like and what we can do to improve its fertility.

Friday 11 October. Seed harvest. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Growing our own seeds is a good way to protect biodiversity and not depend on having to buy them every year. We’ll offer advice on how to harvest and store seeds so you can use them next year.

Friday 18 October. Autumn planting. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

We’ll grow what we have decided together to plant so they can begin offering their yields in the upcoming months and we can enjoy healthy, ecological, local produce.

Friday 25 October. Let’s make recycled paper. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

But it’s not just any paper; it’ll be paper that you can plant to sow life after you use it.

Friday 8 November. Superstitions and beliefs about wild herbs. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Weeds versus herbs that cure. How much do we know about the properties and culture of harvesting the herbs that grow around us?

Friday 15 November. Moss-graffiti. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

We’ll paint with the moss growing in Móstoles to decorate our walls.

Friday 22 November. Pottery for indoor plants I. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Let’s spark your creativity through clay to create self-watering pots for your favourite plants.

Friday 29 November. Pottery for indoor plants II. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

We’ll finish our crafts and learn how to use our clay pots.

Friday 13 December. Christmas arrangements and wreaths. 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

We’ll make Christmas decorations to bedeck our houses during Christmastime using plastic-free materials.



The spring planting season is beginning, and the possibilities are infinite. In this series, we’ll teach you how to grow your own organic garden while also sharing useful tips and practices to make the most of its potential in the city and make our day-to-day lives more sustainable.

Friday 5 April. Planting flowers in the garden. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

We aren’t always aware of how valuable flowers are in a vegetable garden, not only because of their unique aesthetics but also because of their medicinal properties and the importance of introducing them into our organic gardens to support our crops’ development.

Friday 12 April. Spring planting. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

Now that we’ve designed what we want to plant, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty.

Friday 19 April. Planting and reproducing herbs. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

Another major ally in the vegetable garden is herbs. In this session, we’ll learn how to care for them, reproduce them and use them for both our own benefit and their usefulness in the garden.

Friday 26 April. Let’s make our own fertiliser. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

What’s an organic garden without a few basic lessons on how to make compost? Compost is essential to our plants’ growth and a key point in making a sustainable vegetable garden.

Friday 9 May. Natural remedies against pests and diseases in the garden. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

It’s important to know how to prevent problems in the garden that could ruin your harvest, along with possible ways to deal with them in organic farming.

Friday 17 May. Cleaning without toxins. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

Our home is where we spend the most time over the course of the day, so it’s important to pay attention to the type of products we use to clean it to avoid accumulations of toxic products.

Friday 24 May. Wax wrappers. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

Continuing with the theme of sustainable homes, we’re offering a practical workshop to learn how to make wrappers that replace the typical tin foil or plastic wrap. Come try it and see how you’ll fall in love with this simple technique.

Friday 31 May. Do we know how to recycle? 11:30 am—1:30 pm

By now, recycling has been part of our lives for decades, but do we really know how to recycle each product we want to throw away?

Summer Cutting Exchange. 5 June. 6—8 pm

In this Cutting Exchange session, not only can you bring your small indoor plants, as always, but we also want to encourage you to bring garden flowers to exchange as well.

Friday 7 June. The garden in the summer. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

It is becoming harder and harder to deal with heat waves in our vegetable gardens. In this workshop, we’ll give you a few tips so that your garden yields the bounty you want without drying up along the way.

Friday 14 June. Solar lunch. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

As always, we’ll finish the year with a very special farewell meal. We’ll cook in our solar kitchens and enjoy a pleasant picnic with zero energy expenditure.

Xisela García Moure has been putting farming and sustainability techniques into practice in the city for more than ten years. A member of the Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo and a resident of Móstoles, she is aware of our city’s possibilities and interests. An expert in organic farming and permaculture, she has worked in different estates and urban agriculture projects, and this year she aims to put her knowledge into practice by focusing on a greener Móstoles that is more aware of this great town’s needs.

The possibilities afforded by learning about the nature around us include more than just growing our own food. These months, we’ll explore local plants to learn what benefits we can gain from them and to make our own everyday items by collecting and transforming them.

Friday 19 January.  Kokedama. Bring it from there to here. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

Kokedama is a Japanese technique of keeping plants at home without pots. In addition to being a beautiful way to keep plants indoors, they also offer us the chance to learn more about our flora and how to care for them.

Friday 26 January. Hanging plants. A macramé workshop. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

We plant lovers like to fill as many spaces as possible with greenery. Hanging plants are a good way to fill places that would otherwise be out of reach. Learn how to make hanging pots with macramé, and along the way learn a bit more about how to care for creeping or hanging plants.

Friday 2 February. Art to ‘dye’ for[AS1] . Understanding natural dyes. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

One way or another, the majority of colours we know of come from the flora around us. This is a fun way to make prints using a very simple technique for creating decorations with plant motifs.

Friday 9 February. Soap workshop. Care for your skin while caring for the planet. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

This is a simple workshop where you can make your own soap using natural materials and learn about homemade natural cosmetics.

Friday 16 February. Candles and air fresheners. Another way of viewing our home. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

Learn more about the properties of plants, this time with a look indoors. After all, that’s where we spend most of the day, so it should be a safe, toxin-free space.

Understanding where our food comes from and how it is produced is the first step towards a healthy, sustainable diet. Join us and learn how to make seedbeds and different organic farming techniques.

Friday 8 March. Drop by drop. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

It may not seem like it, but the time of year when water is increasingly scarce is approaching, so we have to use piped water to water our crops. Learning techniques to lower the amount of water needed for plants helps to lessen the hydric stress on our environment during the summertime.

Friday 15 March. A garden in the city. 11:30 am—1:30 pm

This workshop will answer questions and teach you how to grow plants in the city, an artificial system where we can all do our part to make it as natural as possible.

Wednesday 20 March. SPRING CUTTINGS. Exchange of vegetable seeds 6—8 pm

In addition to being able to bring your indoor plants, as always, at this cutting session we want to expand the possibilities by sharing vegetable seeds and seedlings for those who like growing their own food. Plus, we’ll also hold a mini-workshop on vegetable gardens on terraces.

Xisela García Moure has been putting farming and sustainability techniques into practice in the city for more than ten years. A member of the Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo (Break the Circle Transition Institute) and a resident of Móstoles, she is aware of our city’s possibilities and interests. As an expert in organic farming and permaculture, she has worked on different estates and urban farm projects, and this year she aims to put her knowledge into practice by committing to a greener Móstoles that is more aware of this large town’s needs.


Activity type
Target audience

The possibilities afforded by learning about the nature around us include more than just growing our own food.

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Picture: Sue Ponce.

Is it a cycle?
FRIDAY 11:30 - 13:30

The third edition of the CA2M Museum Cuttings Exchange will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday, 28 March. It is a time to share knowledge, bring cuttings and barter seedlings to make our homes greener and less boring.

Although the Cuttings Exchange is mainly about indoor plants, you are welcome to bring plants of all kinds to share. Bring the ones you don’t want, and take home the ones you like best. In addition, on this occasion, we will be holding a kokedama workshop so that you can take your new plant home ready to place in its final location.

This Japanese technique for making hanging baskets from organic materials is perfect for small plants and cuttings, such as the ones we’ll be sharing share in the Cuttings Exchange.

Bring your cuttings or unwanted plants in a small pot with soil or in a small cup wrapped in a wet napkin. Exchange them for the ones you like best.

Don’t miss out! Drop in anytime between 6pm and 8pm, and come and learn with us.

Activity type
March 28
Target audience

The CA2M Museum Cuttings Exchange will take place in its third edition on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 28. It is a time to share knowledge, bring cuttings and barter seedlings to make our homes greener and less boring.

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Picture: Patri Nieto.

Is it a cycle?
18:00 – 20:00

Since its inception, the Roof Terrace Garden was conceived as a space with a mission to go much further than a simple organic agricultural school, and with the goal to build a community. Today that challenge is more pressing than ever, and for this reason we need to open up our horizons and underscore the need for a direct practice of sustainability in cities, reinforcing concepts like grow-your-own, self-sufficiency, DIY and kilometre-0 production, incentivizing a culture of proximity.

Cities are a big drain on resources. They have to import almost all their needs and are highly vulnerable to the challenges thrown up by the growing and now palpable environmental crisis. But cities are also a source of opportunities if you know how to make the most of their potential. Our current model for cities came into being under a set of parameters that no longer make sense for the twenty-first century. It is up to us to take stock of the situation and to change the model towards one more aligned with the needs of our decade. During the year of 2023, we will focus on the possibilities that cities can offer, with the goal of raising awareness among the wider community and to equip ourselves with the tools to understand our surrounding environs and transform it.

For this big challenge ahead, we are bringing on board the experience and collaboration of the Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo (Break the Circle Transition Institute) whose activity over the last decade has been focused on sustainability in cities, taking Móstoles as a groundbase for experimentation. With this purpose in mind, the Roof Terrace Garden now becomes the Community Sustainability Laboratory.



Thursday 2 February 11:30-1:30 pm. Introduction to gardening in terraces. A roof terrace offers lots of possibilities no matter how small it is. In this workshop we will take a look at some of the new tendencies in organic agricultural we could apply in our terraces, overviewing all the various methods of agro-organic farming.

Thursday 9 February 11:30-1:30 pm. Preparation of seedbeds and growing crops in greenhouses. The creation of our own seedbeds is a simple technique we should learn to begin our own vegetable garden from scratch and how to accommodate the new plants into our available space. In addition, growing crops on a roof terrace has the advantage of making the most of a nearby space with a regular temperature which is higher than the general outside temperature at this time of year, thus allowing us to bring forward planting and growing to ensure a crop of early spring vegetables.

Thursday 16 February 11:30-1:30 pm. Designing a roof terrace vegetable garden. We will learn to make the most of available space in all directions, understand the plays of light and shadow and use them in our favour to obtain the greatest possible production in the least space possible. Vertical gardens, microclimates, direction, materials.

Thursday 23 February 11:30-1:30 pm. Growing in pots. A terrace is an artificial growing area but this should not prevent us from growing natural vegetables. With a good substrate and the right pots, we can plant whatever we like.

Thursday 2 March 11:30-1:30 pm. Companion planting. A good way of being able to grow the greatest number of plants in the least space possible is to learn to plant different crops in proximity and tips to grow with less space between plants than normally recommended.

Thursday 9 March 11:30-1:30 pm. Irrigation systems for terraces. The choice of a good watering method is crucial for the success of our crops. We will show you how to choose the best system for your little vegetable garden in such a way that we will use the least amount of water possible while ensuring that our plants get all the moisture they need. Irrigation systems, watering cans, gravity irrigation, self-watering.

Thursday 16 March 11:30-1:30 pm. Spring planting. In this workshop we will address the planting of vegetables we had previously prepared in seedbeds and we will learn to plant both with root ball and with direct sowing.

Thursday 23 March 11:30-1:30 pm. Preparing remedies and preventive measures against plagues. The fact of living in a city does not free us from the typical plagues that affect plants. We will learn to prevent attacks and prepare remedies and liquid fertilisers for our plants.

Thursday 30 March 11:30-1:30 pm. Companion planting in organic gardening. Companion plants are those that help us, among other things, to attract pollinating insects. This is even more necessary in cities due to the scarcity of auxiliary fauna.

In addition, at the end of the month of March, CA2M will host a plant cutting exchange for the third time. This year, besides exchanging indoor and outdoor plants, we will be carrying out a kokedamas workshop after which you will be able to take your new plant home with you, ready to go into its chosen place.

Activity type
Target audience

Since its inception, the Roof Terrace Garden was conceived as a space with a mission to go much further than a simple organic agricultural school, and with the goal to build a community. Today that challenge is more pressing than ever, and for this reason we need to open up our horizons and underscore the need for a direct practice of sustainability in cities, reinforcing concepts like grow-your-own, self-sufficiency, DIY and kilometre-0 production, incentivizing a culture of proximity.

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Picture: Patri Nieto.

Is it a cycle?
THURSDAY 11:30 - 13:30

A sustainable city is based not just on individual good practices but also on collective projects that give shape to a large mass of people conscious of the needs of this new era. It is important to re-establish community bonds, to find points in common and to recover the social weave that had characterized Móstoles for so many years and which had led to so many big achievements for its people. With this purpose in mind, CA2M’s Community Sustainability Laboratory has programmed a special day for exchanging cuttings and indoor plants. A place where local citizens can meet up, exchange know-how and barter.

Bring along any cuttings or plants you no longer want, in a small pot with earth, or in a container wrapped in damp tissue. Exchange them for other ones you want.

Wednesday 23 March. Drop by any time between 4:30 to 8:30 pm.

See instructions below on how to make cuttings.

We look forward to seeing you!

Activity type
Wednesday March 23
Target audience

CA2M’s Community Sustainability Laboratory has programmed a special day for exchanging cuttings and indoor plants. A place where local citizens can meet up, exchange know-how and barter.

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Picture: Sue Ponce.

Is it a cycle?
From 16:30h to 20:30

The garden on the museum’s roof terrace has already earned a name for itself as a beacon for agro-ecology in the city. Since we first started, we have gone through an intense process in which many different people have been involved, making it a meeting point where people work together and share their experience and know-how.

Since it was first set up, the roof terrace garden was conceived as more than a place to teach ecological agriculture because the founding mandate was to create a local community. This goal has been fulfilled today thanks to a hardcore of people who have now accrued years of experience, enjoyment, learning and sharing together based on the practice of agro-ecology and permaculture, recovering traditional rural knowledge and exploring ideas to face the challenges of sustainability.

Today this challenge is more urgent that ever, which is why we need to expand its reach and pay more attention to the direct practice of sustainability in cities, reinforcing self-sufficiency, producing food for self-consumption, DIY and locally-sourced production, promoting and motivating a culture of proximity. This will be our best weapon to respond to the major challenges of the twenty-first century, like climate change, the crisis in natural resources and the need to transition towards a model of society more respectful with the planet and the people who live in it.

To face up to this formidable challenge, we have the experience and collaboration of Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo [Break the Circle Transition Institute], which focuses its activity over the last decade on sustainability in cities, taking Móstoles as a testing ground. That’s why today our roof terrace garden now becomes a Community Sustainability Laboratory.




THURSDAYS 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Plant cuttings at Museo CA2M

Once again, we are inviting plant lovers to join us in another session of exchanging slips and cuttings of indoor plants. This time, as well as swapping, we will also run a short half-hour theoretical workshop on the basics of looking after plants, held twice during the day: at 6:00 and again at 7:30 pm, for those unable to attend the previous one. Regardless of whether you attend the theoretical workshop or not, slips and cuttings can be exchanged uninterruptedly between 4:30 and 8:30 pm.

THURSDAY 6 OCTOBER– 11:30 am - 13:30 pm
Autumn planting in the garden

We will plant vegetables in our edible forest.

THURSDAY 13 OCTOBER– 11:30 am - 13:30 pm
Medicinal plants and natural remedies

Exploring natural homemade remedies. How to prepare natural oils, ointments and recipes for everyday ailments.

THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER– 11:30 am - 13:30 pm
Listening to the city flora

The plants that grow in the cracks and corners of our towns and cities listen to us as we pass by in our day-to-day coming and going. They are largely ignored, but their forms and colours cry out to us to be listened to. In this session we will step outside the museum and discover curious facts about the flora on our city streets and give them the care and attention they deserve.

THURSDAY 27 OCTOBER – 11:30 am - 13:30 pm
Recognizing local edible herbs

With globalization, many local plants which were once used for curing ailments and for cooking have now been forgotten about. In this session we will take a walk around Móstoles and learn to recognize these overlooked plants that are worth recovering.

THURSDAY 3 NOVEMBER– 11:30 am - 13:30 pm 
Making seed bombs

After all we have learnt about herbaceous plants in popular culture, now is the moment to take over our city by sowing these plants in abandoned lots which have great potential for growing. Learn how to make seed bombs and join our Guerrilla Garden, scattering seeds around the city.

THURSDAY 10 NOVEMBER– 11:30 am - 13:30 pm
Organic gardening: the role of coupling in chemical-free growing

We will learn to combine different plants, shrubs and trees to ensure a bio-diverse garden that maintains the fertility of the soil and makes it resistant to plagues and illnesses.

THURSDAY 17 NOVEMBER– 11:30 am - 13:30 pm
How to make a homemade worm composter

A good way of reducing residues produced at home is composting leftover food and peelings. Learn to build a worm composter and to maintain it throughout the year.

THURSDAY 24 NOVEMBER – 11:30 am - 13:30 pm
Residue-free Christmas

Christmas is the time of free of most compulsive consuming and greatest generation of waste. We will show you how to reduce your environmental footprint with a number of ideas to ensure a sustainable Christmas.

THURSDAY 1 DECEMBER – 11:30 am - 13:30 pm
Healthy recipes for Christmas

If we wish to change our model of society, it is time to break routines associated with certain times of the year, such as Christmas. A menu for Christmas does not have to be expensive or full of gourmet products. In this workshop we will show you original, healthy and inexpensive recipes for the holiday season.


EVERY THURSDAY 11:30-13:30
Growing locally and learning to be self-sufficient is becoming increasingly important to ensure our food sovereignty. Join this course and learn how to grow with us and why it is necessary for our cities to commit to sustainability. 

THURSDAY 24 MARCH 11:30 – 1:30
Growing crops in the city.

We will prepare seed beds for the spring in our organic garden and provide pointers on how to prepare a garden of potted plants to produce our own zero-km food.

THURSDAY 31 MARCH 11:30 – 1:30
Sharing the CA2M roof terrace. A session with Elena Alonso and the roof-top garden

This introductory session will talk about how to design and create ecosystems based on the principles of permaculture and will set the ground rules for starting an urban forest garden on our terrace. The session includes the participation of the artist Elena Alonso, whose installation Al cuidado de las pequeñas sombras (Caring for little shadows) will help us to understand the need for a better inter-species relationship in order to maintain a balanced ecosystem.

THURSDAY 7 APRIL 11:30 – 1:30
Planning a forest garden in the city

What’s the difference between an ordinary forest garden and an urban forest garden? An understanding of microclimates. What are the shortcomings and the needs of a terrace garden?

THURSDAY 21 APRIL 11:30 – 1:30
Planting a forest garden: tree stratum

We start by planting the biggest plants. Why do we choose these species?

THURSDAY 28 APRIL 11:30 – 1:30
Planting a forest garden: shrub stratum

We continuing planting with shrubs and small fruit trees. Why do we choose these species?

THURSDAY 5 MAY 11:30 – 1:30
What should I plant in my garden? Planting the herbaceous layer and annual plants 

Learn to calculate the number of plants and the space required depending on your needs.

THURSDAY 12 MAY 11:30 – 1:30
Preventing and treating plagues

Plagues affect us equally whether we are in the city or the countryside. Learn to observe your plants, to prevent the attack of insects and other pests and prepare homemade organic remedies.

THURSDAY 19 MAY 11:30 – 1:30 
Closing circles in a garden

In order for your system to be 100% sustainable you have to make the most of the resources it offers without generating residues.

THURSDAY 26 MAY 11:30 – 1:30 
Jam workshop

Late spring is a good time for seasonal fruits. This workshop will show us how to make jam with the short-lived summer seasonal fruit that we would like to enjoy at any time of year.

THURSDAY 2 JUNE 11:30 – 1:30 
Preserves workshop

Another way of making the most of surplus produce is preserves. It is especially important to pay extra care to hygiene conditions to ensure that the canned or preserved food lasts longer and in optimum conditions.

THURSDAY 9 JUNE 11:30 – 1:30 
Making bread at home workshop

One of the easy and most gratifying ways of being self-sufficient is to make our own bread. Learn to make sourdough starter and basic recipes for making bread at home.

THURSDAY 16 JUNE 11:30 – 1:30 
Preparing a sun drier (double session 10:00-2:00)

Sundrying food is a little-used practice that helps to preserve food throughout the year with their nutritional qualities practically intact.
Join us in this double woodworking session in which we will design and build our own drier for summer gluts.

THURSDAY 23 JUNE 11:30 – 1:30 
Seed collection

In the last of our self-sufficiency workshops we will learn to choose and preserve seeds from our garden so that we don’t have to buy them every year.

THURSDAY 30 JUNE 11:30 – 1:30 
Cool recipes for a sustainable summer

We will conclude the year’s course with a celebratory workshop full of healthy recipes with sustainable locally-sourced products at a time when the summer garden starts to come into its own and offer us a huge variety of produce.


EVERY THURSDAY 11:30-13:30

The world of indoor plants
17 February 11:30-13:30h

What do I need to grow indoor plants at home? Find out what are the best plants to suit your home, your tastes and your time.

Basic care for indoor plants
24 February 11:30-13:30h

Is direct sunlight good for my plants? How much and how often should I water them? When is the time to compost? We will help you.

Plagues and illnesses of indoor plants
3 March 11:30-13:30h

Just like garden plants, indoor plans also suffer attacks from insects and funguses. What can I do about them?

Reproducing indoor plants
10 March 11:30-13:30h

How do you make slips and cuttings? Can I divide my plants?

A greenhouse at home
17 March 11:30-13:30h

What are the benefits of having plants at home? Are they suitable for every room? Could my plants cause me any harm?



Activity type
Target audience
Acceso notas adicionales



The garden on the museum’s roof terrace has already earned a name for itself as a beacon for agro-ecology in the city. Since we first started, we have gone through an intense process in which many different people have been involved, making it a meeting point where people work together and share their experience and know-how.

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Picture: Sue Ponce.

Is it a cycle?
THURSDAY 11:30 – 13:30

The Huerto en la terraza of the CA2M has been holding workshops for almost a decade. During this time, we have lived through an active process involving the participation of many different people, all of whom have made it a meeting spot based on teamwork and shared knowledge.

Since its beginnings, the Huerto en la terraza has been a space whose aim is to go beyond just being a school of organic agriculture; it had to form a community. It has far exceeded this expectation, accumulating myriad experiences, learning, collective stories and community links around it, all of which make us proud to have such a space as this in Móstoles, one that is already a benchmark beyond our municipality’s borders.

Today, the community of the Huerto en la terraza of the CA2M faces the challenge of opening up to new people without losing the drive to carry out research and experimentation to motivate those who are already a part of it. For this reason, during this course we will provide an opportunity to those interested in starting out in the field of organic agriculture and permaculture, at its most basic levels, without forgetting the needs and learning pace of those who have already participated in the past and who require other lines of experimentation that combine vegetable gardens, art and our immense capacity to create with our own hands. This year, the workshops will change their timeslot to Thursday mornings. We hope that this change will bring more people to our vegetable garden so we can continue to share and learn together.

Free admission with limited capacity.

In collaboration with Break the Cycle Transition Institute

For further information please visit or call 912 760 227.



23 September: How to start an organic vegetable garden 

Learn to set up a poison-free sustainable vegetable garden from scratch. 

30 September: Seeds: how to gather them and how to plant them

We will work on-site with seeds from our organic vegetable garden and learn to gather them and create our own seedbeds. 

7 October: Cultivating and reproducing aromatic herbs

Learn everything you need to know for planting, caring for, gathering, using and reproducing your own aromatic plants. 



21 October: Reproducing cuttings and other plants from the organic vegetable garden

Learn how to reproduce your vegetable garden’s plants so you can exchange them with your classmates and increase the variety of plants in this organic space. 

28 October. How to create a terrace vegetable garden 

Learn how to start a vegetable garden on your balcony. No matter how small, anything is possible. 

4 November: Autumn tasks in the vegetable garden

We will plant in autumn, while also learning together how to look after our organic vegetable garden.

11 November: Home composting workshop

Come and learn the art of home composting with us. 

18 November: How to make your own medicinal oils

We will use our terrace plants in order to extract their medicinal properties and make oils that can be used for common ailments. 

25 November: Natural Cosmetics Workshop I

We will create creams for common ailments in a simple way using easily-accessible products. 

2 December: Natural Cosmetics Workshop II

We will learn to make natural soaps. Original and personal alternatives for Christmas presents. 

9 December: Basketmaking workshop

What better way to accompany your homemade gifts than to put them in homemade baskets, made by you? 

16 December: Sustainable Christmas recipe workshop

Join us, yet again, in putting together a sustainable Christmas menu that is easy to prepare – and affordable for all budgets – that will delight your guests. 

Activity type
Target audience
Acceso notas adicionales



The Huerto en la terraza of the CA2M has been holding workshops for almost a decade. During this time, we have lived through an active process involving the participation of many different people, all of whom have made it a meeting spot based on teamwork and shared knowledge.

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Fotografía: Sue Ponce.

Is it a cycle?

Admission free during workshop hours until full capacity is reached. Capacity: maximum 20 people. Open to anyone who is interested.

CA2M’s Vegetable Garden on the Roof has been going for eight years. Over that time, we have experienced a profound process in which many different people have participated, making it a meeting point based on working together and sharing knowledge.

Since its beginnings, the idea behind the Vegetable Garden on the Roof was for it to be a space that would go beyond being an organic farming school and would form a community. This goal has been achieved; today it is a focal point for people with many accumulated years of learning, a place of enjoyment and coexistence based on the practice of agroecology and permaculture. It is also a place for the recovery of traditional knowledge of the farming world and a reflection on the challenges of being sustainable.

Today, the community of CA2M’s Vegetable Garden on the Roof faces the challenge of opening up to new people without forgetting the enthusiasm for research and experimentation that motivates existing participants. This course will give an opportunity to those who are interested in getting started in agroecology and permaculture, at its most basic levels, yet still meet the needs and pace of learning of those who have been protagonists from the start and who require more specific workshops with very advanced content. To do this, during the first part of the course, we will work two hours on alternate Fridays, to give possibilities to those people who due to work or personal circumstances could not attend the conventional schedule.

In collaboration with Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo.





5 FEBRUARY | Plants That Look after Our Health 1. 11 AM
It is easy to know what the healing powers of some common plants are, but it is not easy to know how to use them. Learn to differentiate medicinal plants, their properties and uses. 

12 FEBRUARY | Plants That Look after Our Health 2. 11 AM
This workshop will teach you how to prepare oils, ointments and simple macerations that can be made at home. 

19 FEBRUARY | Plants That Look after Our Health 3. 11 AM
Delve into the world of natural cosmetics with some simple recipes that can easily be made at home.

26 FEBRUARY | Plants That Look after Our Health 4. 11 AM
Learn about the benefits of having plants at home, which ones are best suited for each room, and how to care for them.


5 MARCH | No-Dig Gardening. How to set up a vegetable garden without ploughing the land. 5 PM
The belief has always been that, before planting a vegetable garden, we have to turn over the soil. This system explains why we should not do it and how we can prepare the land for cultivation.

12 MARCH | How To Get Rid of Weeds in a Vegetable Garden (Workshop at Gabriel Celaya School). 5 PM
One of the reasons why we plough the soil is to remove weeds before planting but, in doing so, we provide their seeds with the perfect conditions to multiply. So, what should we do?

26 MARCH | Preparing Raised Beds. Hugelkultur and raised beds. (Workshop at the Gabriel Celaya School) 5 PM
Learn different ways to prepare soil and keep it fertile for as long as possible without having to work it.

9 APRIL | Vermi-Compost at Home. 5 PM
Compost is essential in a “no-dig” garden. Learn how to create homemade vermi-compost using kitchen waste to make your own compost. (waste, composting)

16 APRIL | Seedbeds Using a Biointensive Form of Agriculture. 5 PM
Let’s start planting and preparing our first seedbeds for this spring.

23 APRIL | Biodiversity – above and below. 5 PM
Learn how to maintain biodiversity both on the soil’s surface and in its subsoil, both of which are fundamental for keeping it fertile.


In colaboration with: Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo.

All the activities at CA2M are for free

Activity type
From January 15, 2021
Target audience

CA2M’s Vegetable Garden on the Roof has been going for eight years. Over that time, we have experienced a profound process in which many different people have participated, making it a meeting point based on working together and sharing knowledge.

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huerto en la terraza
Vegetable garden on the roof workshop 2021
More information and contact
Is it a cycle?
Every Friday. 11.00 - 13.00 hours