Since its inception, the Roof Terrace Garden was conceived as a space with a mission to go much further than a simple organic agricultural school, and with the goal to build a community. Today that challenge is more pressing than ever, and for this reason we need to open up our horizons and underscore the need for a direct practice of sustainability in cities, reinforcing concepts like grow-your-own, self-sufficiency, DIY and kilometre-0 production, incentivizing a culture of proximity.

Cities are a big drain on resources. They have to import almost all their needs and are highly vulnerable to the challenges thrown up by the growing and now palpable environmental crisis. But cities are also a source of opportunities if you know how to make the most of their potential. Our current model for cities came into being under a set of parameters that no longer make sense for the twenty-first century. It is up to us to take stock of the situation and to change the model towards one more aligned with the needs of our decade. During the year of 2023, we will focus on the possibilities that cities can offer, with the goal of raising awareness among the wider community and to equip ourselves with the tools to understand our surrounding environs and transform it.

For this big challenge ahead, we are bringing on board the experience and collaboration of the Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo (Break the Circle Transition Institute) whose activity over the last decade has been focused on sustainability in cities, taking Móstoles as a groundbase for experimentation. With this purpose in mind, the Roof Terrace Garden now becomes the Community Sustainability Laboratory.



Thursday 2 February 11:30-1:30 pm. Introduction to gardening in terraces. A roof terrace offers lots of possibilities no matter how small it is. In this workshop we will take a look at some of the new tendencies in organic agricultural we could apply in our terraces, overviewing all the various methods of agro-organic farming.

Thursday 9 February 11:30-1:30 pm. Preparation of seedbeds and growing crops in greenhouses. The creation of our own seedbeds is a simple technique we should learn to begin our own vegetable garden from scratch and how to accommodate the new plants into our available space. In addition, growing crops on a roof terrace has the advantage of making the most of a nearby space with a regular temperature which is higher than the general outside temperature at this time of year, thus allowing us to bring forward planting and growing to ensure a crop of early spring vegetables.

Thursday 16 February 11:30-1:30 pm. Designing a roof terrace vegetable garden. We will learn to make the most of available space in all directions, understand the plays of light and shadow and use them in our favour to obtain the greatest possible production in the least space possible. Vertical gardens, microclimates, direction, materials.

Thursday 23 February 11:30-1:30 pm. Growing in pots. A terrace is an artificial growing area but this should not prevent us from growing natural vegetables. With a good substrate and the right pots, we can plant whatever we like.

Thursday 2 March 11:30-1:30 pm. Companion planting. A good way of being able to grow the greatest number of plants in the least space possible is to learn to plant different crops in proximity and tips to grow with less space between plants than normally recommended.

Thursday 9 March 11:30-1:30 pm. Irrigation systems for terraces. The choice of a good watering method is crucial for the success of our crops. We will show you how to choose the best system for your little vegetable garden in such a way that we will use the least amount of water possible while ensuring that our plants get all the moisture they need. Irrigation systems, watering cans, gravity irrigation, self-watering.

Thursday 16 March 11:30-1:30 pm. Spring planting. In this workshop we will address the planting of vegetables we had previously prepared in seedbeds and we will learn to plant both with root ball and with direct sowing.

Thursday 23 March 11:30-1:30 pm. Preparing remedies and preventive measures against plagues. The fact of living in a city does not free us from the typical plagues that affect plants. We will learn to prevent attacks and prepare remedies and liquid fertilisers for our plants.

Thursday 30 March 11:30-1:30 pm. Companion planting in organic gardening. Companion plants are those that help us, among other things, to attract pollinating insects. This is even more necessary in cities due to the scarcity of auxiliary fauna.

In addition, at the end of the month of March, CA2M will host a plant cutting exchange for the third time. This year, besides exchanging indoor and outdoor plants, we will be carrying out a kokedamas workshop after which you will be able to take your new plant home with you, ready to go into its chosen place.

Activity type
Target audience

Since its inception, the Roof Terrace Garden was conceived as a space with a mission to go much further than a simple organic agricultural school, and with the goal to build a community. Today that challenge is more pressing than ever, and for this reason we need to open up our horizons and underscore the need for a direct practice of sustainability in cities, reinforcing concepts like grow-your-own, self-sufficiency, DIY and kilometre-0 production, incentivizing a culture of proximity.

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Picture: Patri Nieto.

Is it a cycle?
THURSDAY 11:30 - 13:30

There are sounds that stick in your head, like a sewing machine, or when my mother used to wash clothes outside in our backyard, I remember sitting there listening to the rhythm with which she rubbed the clothes against the washboard, and for me, the sound of a washing machine is hypnotic, the purring motor of a fridge is like a whisper and when it rattles out a whistle I would have the iiiiiiiiiii in my brain all day, and I was never sure whether it was me or the machine, tinnitus, tinkling like flowing water inside your head, and then the silence was terrifying, and depending on your position you could hear your vertebrae because we all have internal, interior sounds and you sometimes hear a beat in your ears like when you come out of a club and keep getting that buzzing, ringing pum-pum-pum, and seeing as I live on the seventh floor all the clock bells sound differently and drive me up the wall. Have you never thought that a repetitive sound is like someone talking? Or maybe a ghost. You have to be very careful with all this, look for places that have voices and for voices that seem like they are not there because they are inside your head, in another world, in abandoned villages in Madrid, in the materials of things. We want to learn a song together, to rustle up a storm, to sing to the stars in Valencia and so on until we embrace all the sounds that exist in the universe.

An Amateur Choir is a creative project that welcomes any kind of voice which wishes to participate. Besides our own experimental sessions every second Thursday, we also have sessions with artists who work with the voice and listening. Some of the people who have passed through our choir are: Sonia Megías, Itziar Okáriz, Jaume Ferrete, María Salgado and Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca, Rocío Márquez, Alma Söderberg, Ainara Lagardon, Jhana Beat, Lolita Versache, Bea Narcoléptica, Luz Prado, Los Torreznos, Makiko Kitago, Julián Mayorga, Agnès Pe, Paloma Carrasco, Anto Rodríguez, Elisa C. Martín, Elena Murcia Pinto with Marina Peralta Murcia, Inma Marín with Jon Cañal and Tania Arias Winogradow with Milo-Andrey Ulises, Rolando San Martín, Amalia Fernández, Elena Córdoba, Raquel G. Ibáñez, Alex Reynolds, Black Tulip, tacoderaya, Mónica Valenciano, Ruth Abellán and Arturo Moya, Ojo Último, Monserrat Palacios and Fátima Miranda.

Activity type
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Capacity: 40 personas


An Amateur Choir is a creative project that welcomes any kind of voice which wishes to participate. Besides our own experimental sessions every second Thursday, we also have sessions with artists who work with the voice and listening.

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Coro Amateur 2023
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Picture: Patri Nieto.

Is it a cycle?
Alternate Thursdays | 17:00 – 20:00 h

Cities are responsible for the emission of 75% of all greenhouse gases. But cities are also at the forefront of the most far-reaching transformations to make sustainability a reality. To counteract ecoanxiety, the best remedy is putting into practice practical measures. To discover the kinds of actions that are already being implemented in other places. And to borrow inspiration from their experience. In this cycle of four workshops we will overview the main proposals coming from cities all over the world to fight the environmental crisis and we will take action by imagining, with pragmatism but also with poetry, a Móstoles where we can live happily within the limits of our planet.


  • Tuesday 13. The city and sustainable food: growing food in the city.
  • Wednesday 14. The city and sustainable energy: cooking with free energy from the sun.
  • Thursday 15. The city and sustainable mobility: a three-in-one in rights.
  • Friday 16. The eco-social revolution shall be urban or it shall not be.

This cycle of workshops is organized in collaboration with Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo [Break the Circle Transition Institute], a collective from Mostoles with plenty of experience in community sustainability projects, creating new imaginaries on new models of society and putting into practice some of their ideas.

Among the most notable projects in this line of action are the Roof Terrace Garden workshops at CA2M (2013 - 2021), the Hammockdrome at Finca Liana park (2018) and the exhibition Será una vez Móstoles 2030, plus a series of conversations and debates like Oil-free Móstoles (2012) or Transition Picnics (2015-2016). This cycle features input from two of its members: Emilio Santiago Muíño (climate anthropologist and researcher at CSIC) and Xisela García Moure (expert in agroecology and movement in transition).

Activity type
13-16 December 2022
Target audience
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Maximum capacity: 25 persons


Cities are responsible for the emission of 75% of all greenhouse gases. But cities are also at the forefront of the most far-reaching transformations to make sustainability a reality. To counteract ecoanxiety, the best remedy is putting into practice practical measures. To discover the kinds of actions that are already being implemented in other places.

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Ciudades Sostenibles
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Picture: Patri Nieto

Is it a cycle?
Cycle dates
Actividades asociadas al ciclo
From 18:00 to 20:00h

Museo CA2M in partnership with Visual AIDS present Day With(out) Art 2022 by presenting “Being & Belonging”, a programme of seven short videos highlighting under-told stories of HIV and AIDS from the perspective of artists living with HIV across the world.

The programme presents recently commissioned work by Camila Arce (Argentina), Davina “Dee” Conner and Karin Hayes (USA), Jaewon Kim (South Korea), Clifford Prince King (USA), Santiago Lemus and Camilo Acosta Huntertexas (Colombia), Mikiki (Canada), and Jhoel Zempoalteca and La Jerry (Mexico).

From navigating sex and intimacy to confronting stigma and isolation, Being & Belonging centres the emotional realities of living with HIV today. How does living with HIV shift the ways that a person experiences, asks for, or provides love, support, and belonging? The seven videos are a call for belonging from those that have been stigmatized within their communities or left out of mainstream HIV/AIDS narratives.

The seven videos will be screened in loop uninterruptedly all day at SUI (Infinite Uses Hall, ground floor) at Museo CA2M, admission free.

Curated by:

Logo dia sin arte

Activity type
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Museo CA2M in partnership with Visual AIDS present Day With(out) Art 2022 by presenting “Being & Belonging”, a programme of seven short videos highlighting under-told stories of HIV and AIDS from the perspective of artists living with HIV across the world.

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Día Sin Arte 2022
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Jhoel Zempoalteca and La Jerry, Lxs dxs bichudas, 2022.

Is it a cycle?
DE 12:00 A 20:30H

Aimed at secondary school students, this visit-workshop focuses on the act of painting, and more specifically on thinking about colours. If you give them time, colours become mysterious. Many of them came about initially as pigments for artistic painting; sometimes their names refer to the geographical regions where they were first used or found, or to the minerals and chemical substances used in their composition.

The names for colours vary depending on cultures and people: it could be the case that the same name for a colour might suggest a different shade to people from different countries. In addition, some have a very precise and unambiguous definition, while others only give vague hints. We can see, for instance, that the sky above Móstoles at 2:26 pm today is Móstoles blue, Thursday blue or sky grey. But that is not exactly it either.

One thing that strikes us as fundamental in Mitsuo Miura’s work is his way of looking at his surroundings, of noticing all the minute changes. Colours, but also humidity, shadows and the weather are all raw material to construct by using what is available to us and to expand the world we think we see.

Discover more about the exhibition  Mitsuo Miura. Almost 400 m² for Two Landscapes.

Enrol with your class HERE.

Activity type
every Wednesday
Target audience
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Aimed at secondary school students, this visit-workshop focuses on the act of painting, and more specifically on thinking about colours. If you give them time, colours become mysterious. Many of them came about initially as pigments for artistic painting; sometimes their names refer to the geographical regions where they were first used or found, or to the minerals and chemical substances used in their composition.

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Un encuentro fugaz
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Is it a cycle?
from 11:00 to 13:30h

We took a map of Móstoles and marked three strategic points on it. When joining them consecutively, a column of smoke and dust and hustle and bustle started to rise from the centre of the drawn figure. The smoke seemed to be a signal and it looked like the signal was a signal of something else but it is only the signal of its own existence and that is what we are looking at right now.

We innocently bid farewell to the smoke although deep down we know that it will eventually dissolve in the clouds and then later come back to Móstoles in the form of rain. Rain can be the start of colds and flus that can also be drawn strategically on the map of Móstoles. In the end we arrive at the sneeze which–in an infinitesimal moment–gives way to wheezing, which is ultimately what we are after.

If a column of smoke is a signal of something, let it be wheezing. Of an old wheeze that already happened but also—and even more incredibly— a possible future wheeze.

Here you can listen to the El triángulo rapporteur-album which Julián Mayorga made following the project on listening carried out with a school, a music conservatory and an experimental choir at the museum in the 2019-2020-2021 school years, extended due to the pandemic, which produced thousands of incredible previously unheard-of sounds.

Directed to

Here you can listen to the disc-relation El triángulo made by Julián Mayorga as a result of what happened in the listening project between a school, a conservatory and an experimental choir of the museum in the 2019-2020-2021 academic year, which was extended by the pandemic and which brought thousands of unheard and spectacular sounds.

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El Triángulo- Julián Mayorga
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Picture: Sue Ponce.

Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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Is it a cycle?

To take flight and hover about the school is the practice with which we begin this school year.

In order to take a breather and to get a bird’s-eye view of the year that is just beginning we have invited the artist Olga Diego to lead a performance workshop with one single objective: to defy gravity.

In this workshop we will imagine and build our own airborne device. Collectively we will undertake a prior study, make calculations, sketches, scale models, preliminary tests and then the launch. The forms and systems of this aerostat will be experimental, defined and created by participants under Olga Diego’s watchful eye.

Here, there is no such thing as failure because the workshop provides room for all possible ideas: flying, pre-flying, pro-flying, pro-failure, pre-fall, anti-flight, pre-disaster, and so on.

Each school year we organize a workshop for teachers with a performance artist, consisting of an intensive week-long project during which we create bonds of cooperation between the school and the museum as we explore issues concerning educational processes and the performativity of teaching.

In previous years we have had workshops with Los Torreznos, Tania Bruguera, Pere Faura, Itziar Okariz, Norberto Llopis, Nilo Gallego, Dora García, Aimar Pérez Galí, Luz Broto, Aitana Cordero, Jiři Kovanda, Paz Rojo and Mónica Valenciano.

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Aforo: 15 personas


At the beginning of the school year we held a performance workshop for teachers, educators and artists interested in education. It is a week of working with the body in which we join forces and reflect on educational processes and the performativity of education.

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practicas de vuelo
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Is it a cycle?
16:00 - 19:00H

The Conciencia-Afro (Afro-Consciousness) Festival provides a space for meeting, affectivity and thinking for the Afro community in Spain. The event combines politics, aesthetics, music, entrepreneurship and pedagogics in which all the agents involved and the organizers are members of the Afro community resident in Spain.

Following previous editions of the event, held at the Matadero cultural centre, this year the festival will be held across multiple venues and will be prolonged over a longer period of time.

This year, events are scheduled for CA2M in Móstoles, on 9 and 10 September; at Matadero cultural centre in Madrid on 17 and 18 September; at the new Espacio Afro cultural centre on 23, 24 and 25 September; and, finally, at Teatro Buero Vallejo in Alcorcón on 1 and 2 October.

In previous years, the Conciencia-Afro team endeavoured to build a festival from a grand overarching idea. The cathartic first year revolved around the idea of ‘Negritude’. The following years were constructed around ideas of ‘Community’, ‘History’, ‘Thinking’ and 'Re-encounter and Future'.

The festival in 2022, in multiple venues and prolonged in time, strikes us as an opportunity to generate ‘Decentralized Dialogues’: a festival that will enable us to forge new bonds around the Afro.


Friday 9 September

5:00-6:30 pm Rap workshop for young people with Terry Mbá

7:00-8:30 pm Roundtable on the History of Hip Hop music on the outskirts of Madrid with Ana Mayúscula, El Chojin and Frank T. Moderated by Lucía Mbomío

Saturday 10 September

10:00 am -2:00 pm Creative writing workshop with Marisa Mañana

4:30-5:30 pm Afrosesión dance workshop with Quinndy

5:45-7:00 pm Copy and Error. On Creativity, workshop with Rubén H. Bermúdez

7:30-8:30 pm Roof terrace concerts: Megane, Navxja

Activity type
Target audience

The Conciencia-Afro (Afro-Consciousness) Festival provides a space for meeting, affectivity and thinking for the Afro community in Spain. The event combines politics, aesthetics, music, entrepreneurship and pedagogics in which all the agents involved and the organizers are members of the Afro community resident in Spain.

SEPTEMBER 9 AND 10, 2022
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Festival Afroconciencia
Afro-Consciousness Festival 2022
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Is it a cycle?

Over the course of three sessions, we will learn how to produce our own publications, such as fanzines and posters . We will look at different fanzines and low-cost publications, from punk to DIY, queer, photocopies, cut and paste, appropriation, drawing, photography, etc.

Guerrilla communication strategies will be developed aimed at creating a collective publication for distribution at points chosen by the participants.


Activity organized in collaboration with Dirección General de Juventud

Activity type
27 FEB – 13 MAR 2011
Target audience

Over the course of three sessions, we will learn how to produce our own publications, such as fanzines and posters . We will look at different fanzines and low-cost publications, from punk to DIY, queer, photocopies, cut and paste, appropriation, drawing, photography, etc.

Images gallery
Taller de fanzines
Taller de fanzines
Taller de fanzines
Taller de fanzines
Taller de fanzines
Taller de fanzines
Taller de fanzines
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Espacio Mutante believes that the end of the school year is the perfect time to take over the museum for a whole week and to build a space where we can spend time together, where we can share and create something between everybody. For this reason we invited the artist Cristina Celada to carry out a summer workshop, where she will help us to experiment with copy-based creative strategies.

A “sweded” film is an amateur homemade remake of a blockbuster movie. In other words it is a precarious, handmade copy and at the same time—or as a direct result—it is truly creative, cheeky and independent. For a whole week we will appropriate all sorts of audiovisual referents like youtube videos, film scenes, trailers, video clips and so on in order to transform them and make a personal and transferrable adaptation.

In this workshop we will dress up, act, build sets and even, on one of the days, camp out in the museum itself. Everything it takes to create our own remake using humour and economy of means.

Enrolment free from 15 June

Activity type
2 - 6 JULIO 2018

A “sweded” film is an amateur homemade remake of a blockbuster movie. In other words it is a precarious, handmade copy and at the same time—or as a direct result—it is truly creative, cheeky and independent. For a whole week we will appropriate all sorts of audiovisual referents like youtube videos, film scenes, trailers, video clips and so on in order to transform them and make a personal and transferrable adaptation.

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Is it a cycle?
16:30 - 20:30